Are visitors judging YOUR home? Here are the 14 things experts say make it look tacky...

  Release time:2024-06-03 19:45:26  
A stylish home isn't necessarily about blowing huge sums of money on fittings and furnishings. Rathe 。

A stylish home isn't necessarily about blowing huge sums of money on fittings and furnishings. Rather it's about making thoughtful choices to create a sense of cool elegance. 

But there's often a thin line between tasteful and tacky, resulting in rooms looking cheap rather than chic. So how can you avoid the pitfalls? Here are 14 things you should ALWAYS avoid…

1. Sentimental pieces

They may mean a great deal but don't display sentimental pieces such as holiday souvenirs unless you're absolutely sure they're tasteful and not over the top. A lineup of figurines are just dust collectors which scream charity shop windows. Choose one large ornament rather than many small 'twee' pieces.

'Avoid too many trinkets,' says Alex Bourne, co-founder of prime real estate company, London House. 'This suggests a lack of personal vision for a space. Imagine your home is a collectors' item and each item has an emotional meaning and purpose.'

Don't display sentimental pieces such as holiday souvenirs unless you are sure they are tasteful and not over the top

Don't display sentimental pieces such as holiday souvenirs unless you are sure they are tasteful and not over the top

2. Family photos

Photos of loved ones are something you may want to keep on display but don't fall for the tacky trap of cramming them all onto a gallery wall. Instead, you should display them thoughtfully. 'Choose your very best, have them printed in black and white and group them on a sideboard in one place in an elegant selection of frames,' says Julia Kendell, furniture designer and TV presenter.

Display your family photos thoughtfully instead of cramming them all onto a gallery wall

Display your family photos thoughtfully instead of cramming them all onto a gallery wall

3. Matching too much

Coordinating your furniture and decor can feel like a foolproof way to create a polished look. But these days, it looks quite tacky - the key to a truly chic space is mixing it up, says Amanda Foster, from Foster Decor. 'Pair that sleek, modern sofa with a vintage armchair. Layer different patterns and textures. The goal is to create visual interest, not a showroom straight out of a catalogue.'

Be careful of coordinating your furniture and decor too much as it can look tacky

Be careful of coordinating your furniture and decor too much as it can look tacky

4. Bad Berber rugs

With its cream, shaggy looped design and charcoal crosshatch, the Berber rug is inoffensive and versatile. But a bad Berber is bad news and can make a room feel cheap. Make sure yours has a rustic, homemade feel to it, so it looks like it's been plucked from the souks of Marrakech.

Make sure your Berber rug has a warm, homemade feel to it so it looks like its been plucked from the souks of Marrakech

Make sure your Berber rug has a warm, homemade feel to it so it looks like its been plucked from the souks of Marrakech

5. Wall slogans

'Live Laugh Love' stickers and wall hangings have always been a no-go, but it seems there's now a wall slogan to be had in every room of the home. These should be avoided at all costs, particularly those that state the obvious: 'Eat' above a dining room table, for example, 'Wash' above a bathtub.

'Instead, let your personality shine through with thoughtfully curated photography, artwork or even a killer accent wall in a rich, saturated hue,' says Amanda Foster.

Wall slogans should be avoided at all costs, especially those that state the obvious

Wall slogans should be avoided at all costs, especially those that state the obvious

6. Bright light bulbs

Bright bulbs ruin the ambience in a room and instantly create 'dental surgery' vibes. Investing in good quality LED bulbs is a small cost for a huge difference.

Opt for good quality LED bulbs to help create a pleasant ambience in the room

Opt for good quality LED bulbs to help create a pleasant ambience in the room 

7. Fake plants

Even if you aren't blessed with green fingers, avoid the temptation to buy big pots of plastic plants or fake foliage, the very height of tackiness - even if they look convincing from far away. 

'Instead, invest in some low-maintenance, real-deal greenery and consider incorporating some stylish, modern planters,' says Amanda Foster. 'Sleek ceramic or concrete pots can instantly elevate even the most basic greenery, and you don't have to worry about keeping them alive.'

Avoid the temptation to buy big pots of plastic plants or fake foliage, the very height of tackiness - even if they look convincing from far away.

Avoid the temptation to buy big pots of plastic plants or fake foliage, the very height of tackiness - even if they look convincing from far away.

8. Handmade furniture

While handmade furniture can be a great way to add personality and style to your home, it must be used in moderation. 'Too much can make a room look cluttered, messy and cheap,' says Sylvia James of 'A single piece of DIY furniture, such as a handmade coffee table, can be a great conversation starter and can often complement other furniture pieces in a room.'

The issue, she says, is balance. 'If you fill a room with too many DIY pieces, it can start to look like a mess of mismatched furniture.'

Handmade furniture can be a great way to add personality and style to your home but use it in moderation

Handmade furniture can be a great way to add personality and style to your home but use it in moderation

9. Limewashed walls

In recent years, limewash walls have been the boomerang trend of interior design, as they've been in, out and then in again. However, this trend can make your home look cheap if not executed with care, says Zara O'Hare. 

'Whilst limewash walls can look beautiful in the right setting, they can also appear garish if done haphazardly or in spaces with minimal lighting. For example, in a modern and minimalist home, applying limewash to all your walls might clash with the overall aesthetic.' Consider using this technique as an accent wall or in rooms with a more traditional or rustic feel.

Limewashed walls can make your house look cheap if not executed with care

Limewashed walls can make your house look cheap if not executed with care

10. Animal print

Details such as leopard print can be fun, but if your room is cluttered with multiple animal prints, the result will be tacky. 'Be careful to use just one or two – a zoo will take away the elegance from your room,' says Georgia Metcalfe, Founder of French Bedroom.

Use just one or two animal prints in a room so as not to make it look like a zoo

Use just one or two animal prints in a room so as not to make it look like a zoo

11. Drinks trolleys

While they've seen a huge resurgence in popularity over the past ten years, drinks trolleys have also become a bit of a cliche. Avoid rattan trolleys, found in almost every high street store, and go for an elegant marble top instead.

Drinks trolleys have become a bit cliche - avoid rattan trolleys

Drinks trolleys have become a bit cliche - avoid rattan trolleys

12. Badly laid laminate

A floor that click-clacks when you walk on it will immediately make a room feel cheap. 'Flooring should never be a DIY job unless you are very proficient. Always call the experts in,' says Julia Kendell.

Make sure your floor doesn't 'click-clack' when you walk on it. Always get a professional to lay your flooring for you

Make sure your floor doesn't 'click-clack' when you walk on it. Always get a professional to lay your flooring for you

13. All-white bedding

As crisp and clean-looking as all-white bedding can be, it can look uninspired, uninviting - and cheap. If you're keen on the white look, mix it up with some colourful cushions or a throw which matches other colours in the room.

If you want all-white bedding, make sure you mix it up with some colourful cushions or a throw that matches other colours in the room

If you want all-white bedding, make sure you mix it up with some colourful cushions or a throw that matches other colours in the room 

14. Plastic chairs

They may be fine outdoors but inside plastic chairs simply downscale your room, no matter how interesting or expensive. 'Plastic chairs can often clash with the decor and style of a room,' says interior design expert Zara O'Hare, from Land of Rugs. 'Whether it's a modern, traditional, or eclectic design scheme, plastic chairs often appear out of place, disrupting the overall aesthetic harmony'.

Avoid plastic chairs indoors as they can downscale your room, no matter how interesting or expensive they are

Avoid plastic chairs indoors as they can downscale your room, no matter how interesting or expensive they are 

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